alt | alternate | |
approx | approximately | |
beg | begin[ning] | |
BO | bind off [cast off] | |
cab | cable | |
CC | contrasting color | |
cn | cable needle | |
CO | cast on | |
cont | continue[ing] | |
dec | decrease[ing] | |
dpn | double pointed needles[s] | |
foll | follow[s][ing] | |
g | grams | |
i-cord | When working I-cord, work is not turned. Instead of turning the work around to work back on the WS, slide all sts to the other end of the needle, switch the needle back to your left hand, bring the yarn around the back of the work, and start knitting the sts again. After the first 2 sts, give the yarn a sharp tug. Repeat this row to form I-cord. After a few rows, the work will begin to form a tube. | |
inc | increase[ing] | |
incl | including | |
inst | instructions | |
k | knit | |
k tbl | knit through back of loop | |
k2tog | knit two together | |
kfb | knit into front and back of stitch | |
m | meter[s] | |
MB | make bobble | |
MC | main color | |
m1 | Make 1 stitch: Insert left needle, from front to back, under strand of yarn which runs between last stitch on left needle and first stitch on right needle; knit this stitch through back loop. 1 stitch increased. | |
mm | millimeters | |
mult | multiple | |
opp | opposite | |
oz | ounces | |
p | purl | |
p2tog | purl two together | |
patt[s] | pattern[s] | |
pfb | purl into front and back of stitch | |
pm | place marker | |
psso | pass slipped stitch[es] over | |
rem | remaining | |
| rep | repeat |
rev St st | reverse stockinette stitch | |
RS | right side[s] | |
rnd[s] | round[s] | |
sc | single crochet | |
| SSK | slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together |
SSP | slip 2 stitches as if to purl, then purl those 2 stitches together | |
sl | slip | |
slp | slip one as if to purl | |
sl st | slip stitch | |
st[s] | stitch[es] | |
St st | stockinette stitch | |
tbl | through back of loop[s] | |
tog | together | |
WS | wrong side[s] | |
w&t | Wrap and turn. Bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next st to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back of work, slip st back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin working back in the other direction. | |
YO | yarn over | |
** | repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated |
Siia olen kogunud mõned väga huvitavad lingid, kust võib leida igale nunnusid igale maitsele! Jutt käib siis kootud ja heegeldatud mänguasjadest...
neljapäev, 28. juuli 2011
Inglise keelsete lühendite selgitus
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